On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 23:47:02 +0200
Francesco Poli <invernom...@paranoici.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 20:43:31 +1100 Riley Baird wrote:
> > > What I meant here is that you should explain a bit what you consider a 
> > > source and what not
> > 
> > This question comes up in so many discussions, we really need to have a
> > definition that we can all live with, record it somewhere and then move
> > on.
> > 
> > I can think of several ideas:
> [...]
> > If you have any other ideas, submit them. If you think that one of
> > these definitions is too vague, explain and suggest an improvement.
> > Also, if you agree with one of these definitions, say so!
> Riley,
> please do not add confusion to the matter.

I wasn't trying to add confusion, sorry if it seemed this way.

> I am personally convinced that nowadays the definition of source should
> *no longer* be regarded as an open question: I think that the most
> commonly used and accepted definition of source code is the one found
> in the GNU GPL license.

It is a commonly used and accepted definition, but as evidenced by this
conversation and the others which have occurred on Debian recently, it
is too vague to be easily applied.

> The alternatives you propose are vague at best.
> For further details on what I think about the definition of source,
> anyone interested may read my essay:
> http://www.inventati.org/frx/essays/softfrdm/whatissource.html

That's a good essay! Hopefully, something like that will become the
reference that Debian actually uses in the future.

I have some concerns, though:
> The preferred form of a work for making modifications to it.

This fails to address the issues raised earlier in this thread:
What about CVS headers? What about patches created using quilt?

> The person whose preference should be taken into account is the
> one who last modified the version of the work under consideration.
> If he/she prefers to modify the work in a given form, then that
> form is the source code for the work.

Company A writes a program in C++ and gives binaries away under a
free license to Person B. Person B has excellent knowledge of how to
edit binary executables. It would follow that the binary executable
is source.

> One completely different thing is when nobody has some form of
> the work any longer. That form cannot be preferred for making
> modifications, since it no longer exists. In this case, the actual
> source is the preferred form for making modifications, among the
> existing ones.

I write a program in C++ and release the binaries under a free license.
The binaries are not the source form. But five years later, when I lose
the USB which contained the only copy of the C++ code, the binaries
become source.

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