OK I just found it


good luck anyway

Michael Guck

Am 11.10.19 um 11:03 schrieb Michael Guck:
Hi Andreas,

how can I get out of this list?

Thank you!

Michael Guck

Am 11.10.19 um 10:53 schrieb Andreas Tille:

On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 09:00:18PM +0200, Michael Guck wrote:
Hi Mechthilde,

so we come to no conclusion this time
I don't understand it this way:  Mechthilde has drawn the conclusion to
do something (which I'm applauding).  She is following her point of view.
You are free to not contribute but that magical "we" that is not able
to find a conclusion does not seem to exist.
I still think that its a good idea to start with the basics and later on
everybody can unsecure his system/blend as he wishes.
If you think its a good idea just *do* what you consider a good idea.
Expecting others to consider your idea good is not very fruitful.

Kind regards


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