On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 10:37 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Adam C Powell IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Please read again.  5.6.3, which you quoted, refers to the Maintainer
> > tag specified in 5.6.2, which in turn specifies RFC822 format, which
> > permits quoted strings, including commas.
> Kind of.  What it says is:
>     The package maintainer's name and email address. The name should come
>     first, then the email address inside angle brackets <> (in RFC822
>     format).
> Most software has interpreted this as saying that the e-mail address is in
> RFC 822 format rather than the whole field, particularly given the next
> paragraph which clearly implies that the Maintainer field actually allows
> values that RFC 822 doesn't.
>     If the maintainer's name contains a full stop then the whole field
>     will not work directly as an email address due to a misfeature in the
>     syntax specified in RFC822; a program using this field as an address
>     must check for this and correct the problem if necessary (for example
>     by putting the name in round brackets and moving it to the end, and
>     bringing the email address forward).

Good point, I had noticed this clarification but hadn't paid attention
to it.  It sounds like we're on the same page, though I didn't realize
that the RFC [2?]822 parser would add so much complexity.

> > I see.  Does this mean that lintian is consistent with the uploading
> > framework, and I will have trouble uploading?
> I haven't confirmed that to be the case, but I'm suspicious that it is.
> It turns out that the uploading software itself probably doesn't care that
> much for you since you're a DD, but for instance if you were a Debian
> Maintainer, it's not clear that it would recognize that you're in
> Uploaders if you include the comma in your name.

Well, I uploaded, and it worked (put it in the NEW queue), so far so
good... :-)

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