On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 20:36 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> Hm.  So it's sort of a team NMU -- you're not planning on taking ongoing
> responsibility for the package except as just another member of the team.
> Yeah, a team upload is a good way of putting it.  You're uploading it as a
> member of the maintainer team, not as an individual directly responsible
> for the package.


> ftpmaster has asked us to warn about packages that don't have any human
> listed maintainers, so I know that they (and others) would be unhappy if
> everyone who uploaded the package took this approach.  But I can see the
> need for an NMU-style or QA-style maintenance upload for a team-maintained
> package without wanting to take ongoing responsibility for it.

I agree with the ftpmasters, there should be humans listed.

> Maybe run this by debian-devel?

Will do.



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