Control: tag -1 + patch

Lintian's manual was converted to reStructuredText format. This MR uses
rst2html to generate the HTML version.

This RST file was generated from the existing manual in Docbook format

    pandoc -f docbook -t rst doc/lintian.xml > doc/lintian.rst

The resulting file showed the following three errors when used to generate
HTML with rst2html from python3-docutils:

    lintian.rst:366: (ERROR/3) Unexpected indentation.
    lintian.rst:363: (WARNING/2) Inline literal start-string without
    lintian.rst:367: (WARNING/2) Block quote ends without a blank line;
unexpected unindent.

The errors disappeared after a single, multi-space indent in line 366 was
removed manually using an editor.

RST does not have a facility to split documents into multiple output files
(although a 'toctree' directive could link multiple documents.) For now,
the HTML manual is one large, contiguous file.

Installs the single HTML file and the reStructuredText file in the user
package. Sets a link to the RST version with the ending *.txt in hope of
avoiding breakage.

Updates doc-base entries to point to the single HTML file and to the RST
file in lieu of plain text documentation.

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