On Wed, 23 Dec 2020, Andrius Merkys wrote:

> false-positives. Even dh_auto_configure appears to be used legitimately

dh_auto_configure is the one I’d expect to be used (with autotools).

dh_auto_build is the one that raises red flags, and for *some*
buildsystems dh_auto_test invokes a make/maven/whatever target
that implies build if it was not built before. These uses, when
it can be done reliably, should also flag.

Examples for dh_auto_test:

• Many Makefiles for autotools-using packages contain lines like:

        check: all

  If this is present, it should warn. But since this is not present
  everywhere, we can probably not warn due to too many false positives.

• With Maven, calling “mvn test” will *always* build the source
  if it was not already built and test the just-compiled sources.
  Here we CAN reliably flag.

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