On Tue, 21 Jun 2022 19:35:42 +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:

> chiming in as the new Lintian maintainer. :-)

Thanks, both for caring about lintian and about
libconfig-model-dpkg-perl :)
> private/latest-policy-version also seems to be the current way, how
> libconfig-model-dpkg-perl interacts with this data in Lintian.

> So I'll soon upload lintian 2.115.1 to fix this issue to finally get
> the current Lintian version into testing.

Great, thanks.
> Hence I suggest that libconfig-model-dpkg-perl, cme, etc. are then
> using this planned data packages in the future as well.

Sounds like a plan.
> I currently the following:
> * Create a new binary package lintian-data, which is built from
>   src:lintian. It will more or less contain /usr/share/lintian/data/.
> * Additionally I will create a file named
>   /usr/share/lintian/data/debian-policy/latest.txt (or similar) at
>   lintian build time based on the output of
>   private/latest-policy-version. (Can even do that already before
>   splitting off that data package.)

Sounds good.

With the only caveat, that this will still lag (at least by some
hours :)) behind debian-policy releases.
But as the cloned policy bug #968154 didn't see any activity lately …
> That way you have the wanted data in an easily consumable form without
> having to call any script or module from Lintian and without having to
> parse a huge bunch of JSON.

Since nice.
> Would that work out for you?

I'm cc'ing dod as the Config::Model::* tsar to make sure I'm not
missing anything.
> If so: What are your requirements for such a transition? Do we have to
> just care about Unstable and Testing or are Stable-Backports a topic,
> too?

I believe we never backported libconfig-model-dpkg-perl. Dominique?

So I guess we can just depend on a new enough lintian or lintian-data
with /usr/share/lintian/data/debian-policy/latest.txt (or whatever)
and use it, and from the lintian side you can then add a versioned
Breaks on old libconfig-model-dpkg-perl versions still using
private/latest-policy-version, when you remove it.


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