On 4/4/07, Philippe MONROUX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I discover Deb live 3 days ago.  I need it because computer in my high
school don't  work at all (I  presume you know why).  I'm always using
geogebra (http://www.geogebra.org/cms/). So I need

ii  sun-java5-bin         1.5.0-10-3     Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment
(JRE) 5.0
ii  sun-java5-jre         1.5.0-10-3     Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment
(JRE) 5.0
ii  sun-java5-plugin      1.5.0-10-3     The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0

of course  iceweasel. My preferred  wm is wmaker.  The only  things I
made are this steps :

my /etc/make-live.conf (significant lines)

Are you still using live-package? There is a new replacement called
live-helper, it is not in the main Debian repository yet, but it can
be installed if you add:

   deb http://live.debian.net/debian etch main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.

Andrew Donnellan
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