El Wednesday 20 February 2008 14:52:09 Michael Creel va escriure:
> Hello all,
> This has been discussed on IRC a little, but I wanted to summarize why I
> think that a means of letting the user set the password at the time the
> bootable image is created (or booted) would be good. Right now, the default
> password is "live", and sudo is enabled. This might pose a security risk.
> Suppose that
> * people know that Debian Live is being used on a system
> * the password has been left at the default
> * the system ordinarily gets its IP by dhcp
> * this IP is known to people
> * the DL user activates ssh
> If this is the case, then I believe that an outsider could log in and then
> have access to sudo, without the DL user being aware of what is going on.
> There was a "Headless Knoppix"
> (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Headless_Knoppix) that might be useful as a
> reference. In my opinion, a solution that allows the password to be
> specified using a switch to lh_config would be ideal.

Hello all,

let's go to action,

that idea is already done in my live-initramfs mod,


where in the live.conf file we can specify the username, userfullname, user 
uid, user password, and , using the instruccions from the following post, 
also the user groups


Use my live-initramfs mod to solve this problem,

Best Regards,


> Michael

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