
please consider to include a /.disk/mkisofs file in the resulting ISO
of live-build, like debian-cd does.

It records the command path and its options which were used to produce
the ISO. This is educational and sometimes helps with diagnosing
problems between an ISO and its readers.

debian-cd produces the file immediately before running xorriso:


        echo $CMD > CD$n/.disk/mkisofs
        eval "$CMD"

I believe that the equivalent spot in live-build is immediately before
line 216 of


which bears

  xorriso -as mkisofs ${XORRISO_OPTIONS} -o ${IMAGE} binary

My proposal is to prepend this:

  echo "xorriso -as mkisofs ${XORRISO_OPTIONS} -o ${IMAGE} binary" \
       > binary/.disk/mkisofs


As developer of xorriso, i sometimes get asked to automatically record
the program options of the xorriso run in the resulting ISO, like mkisofs
does in a nameless data block near the start of the ISO.

Last occasion was during examination of the libcdio problems with the
KALI Linux ISO, which gets produced by live-build:

But i am not willing to expose local file paths and maybe other non-public
info in the ISO by default. That's the job of the user, if ever.

I dimly remember to have seen a discussion of cdrkit ten years ago
where this behavior was rejected, too. But i cannot find it.
The bug report which caused /.disk/mkisofs in debian-cd is older
than cdrkit. So at that time mkisofs was still in use.

My standpoint is that ISO producers should decide what info about their
production they want to expose.
Admittedly i put a version string into the Preparer Id of the ISO
by default. That's documented in the man page and can be overridden
by option -p, which live-build obviously uses.
Nobody is perfect. :))

Have a nice day :)


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