
I am not sure if Debian Live is the package installation-reports. That's why I ask here first. I did not subscribe to this list since I am not a debian developer or even a regular user of debian-live so I may not get the answer, though.

First of all: I primarily want to inform the Debian project about this issue. I am not looking for tipps about what else I could try out to fix it since I already spent several hours and I do not absolutely *need* to run Debian live on this particular device. However, somebody else may have to do it one day and then it would help to know right away it will be rather hard.

I had major problems to run Tails on the Medion Akoya and we tracked it down to Debian live so the Tails people can't do much. We positively tracked it down to Debian Live debian-live-10.0.0-amd64-gnome-nonfree.iso so it really isn't Tails-related.

Here is a cpoy of the conversation with the Tails support about trying all the workarounds suggested for Intel HD graphics. None worked but it may give you a hint. I am not sure if it's the intel video driver at all or if it has something to do with some powersafe-stuff. I can't really check the xorg-logs or anything since the device is next-to-unusable because of the bug.


Peter Guhl

First of all: There is always an error message saying that GPIO could
not be translated toGPIO (Corrigenda: Typo. Means to IRQ!)
from a device called something like cherry... (maybe the graphics, maybe
keyboard...) and the
console always shows a bunch of repeating messages from the audio driver
if you log in.(Annotation: I read at digitec.ch that Audio does not work on Linux, but that's another problem)
Am 22.08.2019 um 10:37 schriebtails-b...@boum.org:

On 21/08/2019 19:23,tails-b...@boum.org  wrote:
From: Peter Guhl<peter.g...@fhsstudents.ch>  To:
"tails-support-priv...@boum.org"  <tails-support-priv...@boum.org>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 17:22:50 +0000
Is this the screen saver, or just "going black" ?

The lock screen seems to be activated, but the screen goes black
immediately. A few seconds
later, the power LED goes off. Not only in the desktop but also in the
text console.

I tried to turn of screen auto locking, but the pane in the system
settings is grayed out so I can’t turn it off.
Just to be sure, you mean, in power settings, "blank screen" (by
default is 5 minutes) timeout setting is gray, or another setting ?

It's the privacy settings dialog. The first option is gray. Screen auto
lock can't turned off. Neither
does gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false have
any effect.

By the way, is your graphic card listed here:

It's listed since everything Intel ever made is kind of listed. But I
tried the workaround options
with the following results:
- nomodeset: The resolution is low and the desktop only loads halfways.
I have the top-right
controls to some extent, but never get the application menu or the
desktop icons. In the GUI
the blank screen does not occur. Maybe because of nomodeset but maybe
just because the gnome
screensaver isn't really functional anyway.
- xorg-driver without nomodeset:
  - xorg-driver=intel: Normal startu including the bug described
   - xorg-driver=vesa: Error starting GDM with your graphics card: Intel
Corporation Atom/Celeron/Pentium Processor x5-E8000/J3xxx/N3xxx Series
PCI Configuration Registers [8086:22b0]... + screen going blank every 20
seconds or so. --> apparently no VESA mode
   - xorg-driver=modesetting: Normal startup including the bug described
- nomodeset + xorg-driver=vesa: gdm can't start. Same error-screen as
without the nomodeset
My conclusion is that either it's*not*  the graphics diver's fault or it
is*so faulty*  that none
of the workarounds make a real difference.

It could be a good test to see if Debian Live has the same issue,
Tails is based on that so it can help us to know and be sure if the
issue is specific to Tails. If you can try this, it would be very
helpful to us.

I'll test the 4.0 beta first. I only have one USB-stick ready right now
so switching OSes
is a bit time consuming.

If you are interested in testing, you can also test the upcoming
version of Tails, if you do, please let us know if the bug you've
encountered is still there.https://tails.boum.org/news/test_4.0-beta1/

Here we go:
- GUI not really starting. Neither in normal mode nor in trouble
shooting mode. GDM error
- Console seems to work but I don't know the password to log in.
- Screen does not get turned off. The background light stays on. But if
GDM does not get up
at all this is probably normal
- Normal mode with nomodeset: Not booting into any GUI. Just black
screen with underscore
in the top-left corner. Occasional GDM error message as stated above
when switching through
the ttys.
- Normal mode with xorg-driver=intel: Same error as the stable version.
Normal boot into GUI
but constantly turning off the screen. But when I tried to get back into
the desktop
the application menu and the desktop icons were missing and the
top-right dropdown did not
contain the settings icon anymore. So this was the "nomodeset"-situation
3.15 with a better
screenresolution and the turning-screen-off-bug.

I'd say the 4.0 beta is even worse. It combined everything and can't
even boot without
special boot parameters.

For the Debian live test I'll use
since I do not expect
any official vanilla debian to runn smoothly on such a cheap
supermarket-computer brand like
Medion. Those are, for sure, the cheapest China standard boards not
caring if there's free
documentation available.

The results: The same bug. Turning the screen off (screen black,
backlight off, power LED off)
after just a few seconds.

--> The bug is in Debian live. Now I have to write everything again and
send it to Debian


Peter Guhl

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