On 02/20/2016 01:17 PM, Alexis Grigoriou wrote:

or is there more that I need to do since my installation has LTS
support? One thing that comes to mind is the "squeeze-lts" entry
in /etc/apt/sources.list. Does that need to be removed prior to
upgrading or does the upgrade process take care of that itself?

Probably it would be enough to do the following: at first to update as much as possible with the actual "squeeze-lts" entry, following by changing all "squeeze-lts" and "squeeze" entries to "wheezy" and update/upgrade it again in some way of a 'safe upgrade' (there is some syntax on the web how to do that, and that step will upgrade only the kernel parts of the system), and finally to do full upgrade again (all the rest packages in the system).

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