El 02/03/16 a las 13:45, Matus UHLAR - fantomas escribió:
since upgrade to LTS squid3 version 3.1.6-1.2+squeeze6, it repeatedly
crashes with assertion errors:

2016/03/01 06:58:31| assertion failed: forward.cc:298: "fd == server_fd"
2016/03/01 07:16:54| assertion failed: forward.cc:298: "fd == server_fd"
2016/03/01 07:17:16| assertion failed: forward.cc:491: "server_fd == fd"
2016/03/01 07:17:38| assertion failed: forward.cc:298: "fd == server_fd"
2016/03/01 07:17:42| assertion failed: forward.cc:491: "server_fd == fd"
2016/03/01 07:17:54| assertion failed: forward.cc:298: "fd == server_fd"

I have solved this by upgrading to wheezy version, but this is not correct
way to push users to wheezy ;-)

On 02.03.16 19:09, santiag...@riseup.net wrote:
I'm sorry about this. I didn't identify this crash, squid3 has been
running on my squeeze test setup without any trouble.

no problem, I just wanted to inform...
now I wonder if it's possible to upload a fix ;-)

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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