
On Wed, 04 May 2016, Santiago Ruano Rincón wrote:
> 1. I had included in the pu/wheezy-lts branch changes to close
>    https://bugs.debian.org/818843 thinking that it was useful for
>    wheezy-lts users. But uploads to wheezy (and stable) should be
>    limited to updating the status list files, or new features could be
>    included?

Given that:
- we usually backport the latest version in all releases
- some of the features have been added for wheezy-lts in particular

i would say that you can include the new features (provided they
work on wheezy as well).

> 2. Should it be uploaded to wheezy-security even if it doesn't fix any
>    security fix? Or does the wheezy queue in ftp-master still works
>    (with ftp-masters' participation)?

We were aware that we would have some non-security uploads to make and
that we would have to abuse wheezy-security for this. So it's OK to upload
there (just like Markus did for all the java fixups for OpenJDK 8).

Another possibility since wheezy's final point release did not happen yet
is that you work with release managers to get this into wheezy-p-u and
then wheezy-updates... it's possibly cleaner but requires more work from
all parties.

Your call.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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