On 2016-05-18 03:45:57, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Tue, 17 May 2016, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> It would be great to have better consistency here.
> Yes, just like we ensure that we get an Accepted mail before sending the
> DLA, we must make sure that the DLA has gone through. We are all (supposed
> to be) subscribed to debian-lts-announce and it should not be hard to
> verify it (I for one have all LTS related mails in a single folder so it's
> easy to spot stuff like this).

I wonder if some of that stuff should be automated. I am fairly new with
the security process, how often do mistakes like this happen anyways?

And how hard would it be to automate this?


Si Dieu est, l'homme est esclave ; 
or l'homme peut, doit être libre, donc Dieu n'existe pas.
Et si Dieu existait, il faudrait s'en débarrasser!
                        - Michel Bakounine

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