Hi Brian,

> I attempted to fix CVE-2018-7456 issue in tiff, for the version in
> stretch. My patch is below. But curiously my patch only works if I
> enable the commented out call to fprintf or use -O0 instead of the
> default -O2 (-O1 also fails). Otherwise the if condition never gets
> executed, and it segfaults later on with a null pointer error when
> trying to access the same pointer.
> To me, this seems like some sort of weird compiler optimization
> error. Does this make sense?

We already had this kind of nasty optimization-triggered bugs in the
past[0], it was quite long to fix but very interesting in the end. :)

Just to avoid duplicate work: I'll take a look at it this afternoon.


[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts/2017/03/msg00213.html

             Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
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