On 02/11/2018 09:18, Herbert Fortes wrote:

Gthumb has and CVE[0] issue. But it is an unimportant urgency.

Crash in end user application, no security impact

[0] - https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2018-18718

I am not a programmer but I did the patch and uploaded to SID. I
asked an upload to Stretch. If it is accepted I will update the
current backport - 3:3.6.1-1~bpo9+1.

A mistake here. The current backport in Jessie is 3:
I am sorry for that.

I made the package to Jessie and put at people.debian.org[1].
I am not sure about the version - '+deb8u1' or '~deb8u1'.

[1] - https://people.debian.org/~hpfn/jessie/

If necessary please Cc me. I am not in the list.


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