Hi Jakob,

I just stumbled on the same issue. I repported it on debian-user@
instead, in the thread [1]. I also found afterward that it was kind of
announced on debian-devel-announce@ but I would not have thought to
look there neither. But as you said, this is low traffic list, so I
suscribed to it.

I'm also concerned by the impact of not having jessie-updates/
anymore. Are the updates reintegrated somewhere ? Is it a null-sum
reorganisation ? On a separate thread [2], Bernie Elbourn repported a
lot of pending upgrade since the removal of jessie-updates/. I thus
wonder if it's really works as expected just to remove the
jessie-updates/ entry from our /etc/apt/sources.list ? Could somebody
confirm or infirm it ?


[1] : https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2019/03/msg00765.html
[2] : https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2019/03/msg00775.html

PS: I hadn't yet suscribed to debian-lts@ list before expecting to
answer this thread so I have not mail to reply to. I hope the mailto
link will work accordingly. My apologizes in cas it doesn't.

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