Hi Holger

Today was the first day I prepared an website update using the new method.
But something is missing since I fail.

When I follow the instructions to push I get an error message.

ola@muskovit:~/git/webwml/english/lts/security$ git push -u origin
              fatal: The current branch DLA-1759 has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
    git push --set-upstream origin DLA-1759

If I do that git push I'm told I'm not allowed to deliver code to this

ola@muskovit:~/git/webwml/english/lts/security$ git push --set-upstream
origin DLA-1759
Username for 'https://salsa.debian.org': o...@debian.org
Password for 'https://o...@debian.org@salsa.debian.org':
remote: You are not allowed to push code to this project.
fatal: unable to access 'https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml.git/':
The requested URL returned error: 403

Should I use some other command for the merge request?

// Ola

On Mon, 25 Feb 2019 at 13:19, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> as hopefully most of you will have noted, DLAs are now being published
> on https://www.debian.org/lts/security/ (and as such some of them have
> already been translated in various languages)!
> As such, *you* are now also responsible for publishing DLAs on the
> website, which is outlined in
> https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Development#Publishing_updates_on_the_website
> The method described there assumes one cannot push directly, in which
> case I (or someone else) will merge the DLA into webwml.git. However, I
> would pretty very much prefer if many of you could request commit access
> and push directly themselves.
> Last and least, 31 DLAs are still missing on www.d.o, 25 of them are
> from 2014, but the follwing 6 are pretty recent and I would very much
> appreciate if those who did those DLAs could add them to webwm.git as
> well:
>    DLA 1688-1
>    DLA 1687-1
>    DLA 1685-1
>    DLA 1684-1
>    DLA 1683-1
>    DLA 1682-1
> Thank you!
> --
> tschau,
>         Holger
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
>        PGP fingerprint: B8BF 5413 7B09 D35C F026 FE9D 091A B856 069A AA1C
> Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small
> number
> of people to continue making enormous amounts of money...  It is the
> sufferings
> of the many  which pay  for the luxuries  of the few...  You say  you love
> your
> children  above all else,  and yet  you are stealing  their future  in
> front of
> their very eyes...

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
|  o...@inguza.com                    o...@debian.org            |
|  http://inguza.com/                Mobile: +46 (0)70-332 1551 |

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