
On 25/07/2019 22:03, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello Emilio and anybody else who might at some point upload MariaDB
> to jessie-security or stretch-security!
> Please use as the starting point the latest version in the MariaDB
> team Salsa repos
> - mariadb-10.0 branch 'jessie'
> - mariadb-10.1 branch 'stretch' (from 2020 onwards LTS)
> I have prepared there Gitlab-CI automation that does not affect the
> package itself in any way, but does help quite a bit in ensuring that
> whatever you upload is well tested and unlikely to cause regressions.
> Do not just checkout the latest version in Jessie or Stretch, but work
> using the repository instead. Also, please push to the branch when you
> are done. I am happy to include LTS maintainers in the mariadb-team so
> you can use the official repository. (Emilio is already there.)
> Repo and example of pipeline:
> - https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-10.0/pipelines
> - https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-10.1/pipelines
> Slides on my talk on MariaDB packaging and Salsa-CI/Gitlab-CI use in
> case you are interested in the longer story:
> https://www.slideshare.net/ottokekalainen/how-mariadb-packaging-uses-salsaci-to-ensure-smooth-upgrades-and-avoid-regressions
> - Otto
> PS. I've done this all assuming the security uploads in this case do
> allow changes to the debian/gitlab-ci.yml file since it does not cause
> functional changes to the package itself and is perfectly safe.

Thanks for improving security by providing easier testing :)
I referenced your e-mail at:


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