Hi LTS team

The server I'm using for email is down. The reason is that the provider I'm
using (OVH) had a fire and it is quite severe. They describe it as the
worst accident the last 22 years.
I do not have an estimate on when I'm back but in the meantime, please use
my gmail address ola.lundqv...@gmail.com if you want to reach me.

I hope to restore my o...@debian.org address shortly. The o...@inguza.com
address is more complicated to restore, but I'll work on that too.

I'm hoping that I'm in the servers that were just shut down and not the
ones that are up in smoke...


// Ola

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
|  o...@inguza.com                    o...@debian.org            |
|  http://inguza.com/                Mobile: +46 (0)70-332 1551 |

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