Hi again,

Thank you both for your inputs.

Mattia is right, I think it is the same problem that occurred in #821091. The bug was "solved" by reverting back to Qt4.

Thank you very much Gert for this tip about the vtk macro! We were wondering what the magic made gdcm-vtk package compile on sid with no error while we had a lot of problem with the macros (I checked d/patches and the vtk d/r files, but missed this). Now the mistery is explained, thank you!

I also tried VTK 6.3 and QVTKWidget3 [1] as you suggested as well, but to no avail.

I tried the upstream QVTKWidget2 version, and it works very well for the integrated card... but it does not working with the nvidia GPU!

So I might be able to produce a mix between the 6.3 QVTKWidget version and the upstream QVTKWidget2 version that can work for both integrated and nvidia GPU.

As I said to Gianfranco, on the #817163 thread, unfortunately, I will not be able to work on the packaging before the beginning of May.

I don't want camitk to block any transition, so if it is ok with everyone, I agreed to his suggestion of temporarily removing camitk from sid. I pushed my last files on the git (not ready yet), for information. A working camitk 4 package should not be too long to be back.

Thank you again for all your support and ideas!


[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26944831/using-qvtkwidget-and-qopenglwidget-in-the-same-ui

On 17/04/16 12:57, Gert Wollny wrote:

while moving to VTK 6 please take into account that we are preparing a
transition to VTK 6.3.

Compared to VTK 6.2 version 6.3 removes some deprecated macros
and removes the module "vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL".

You should be able to catch most of the problems related to macros by
compiling with VTK_LEGACY_REMOVE defined.

VTK 6.3 is available from experimental.


Emmanuel Promayon, Maitre de conférences
Univ. Grenoble Alpes / Polytech Grenoble
Laboratoire TIMC-IMAG / équipe GMCAO
Tel. +33/0 456 52 00 03

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