Hi again,

may be its due to vacations that I have not yet heard from you until now
regarding the licensing of TRF.  I just want to inspire you by other
authors that have considered free licenses for instance MEGAN:


Thanks for considering a free license for TRF


On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:18:22AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Dear Gary,
> I'm writing you on behalf of the Debian Med team which is a subgroup
> inside Debian with the objective to package free software in the field
> of biology and medicine for official Debian.  Since we intend to package
> RepeatMasker (see our so called task list in the todo-section[1]) we
> also need to package your tool Tandem Repeats Finder[2].
> We've just contacted Yözen Hernández in some mails and he suggested to
> contact you since he is not able to decide about the licensing.  It
> would be really nice if you would consider the arguments given in these
> two mails
>    https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2016/05/msg00121.html
>    https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2016/05/msg00064.html
> into your considerations about distributing the source code.
> Kind regards and thanks for considering
>       Andreas.
> [1] http://blends.debian.org/med/tasks/bio#repeatmasker
> [2] http://tandem.bu.edu/trf/trf.html
> -- 
> http://fam-tille.de


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