Hi Kevin,

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:15:12PM +1000, Kevin Murray wrote:
> Andreas/Michael may remember differently, but from memory we will have:
> - SeqAn 1.x in src:seqan -> seqan-dev (only, no apps)
> - SeqAn 2.x in src:seqan2 -> libseqan2-dev  and seqan-apps (and one day -doc)

Ahhh, this somehow shades light in my weak memory.  Makes sense and if we
are lucky the gcc-6 issue does not affect the seqan(1)-dev part.
> So yes, I agree with you. Seqan 1.x (i.e. src:seqan) should be made to build
> correctly and not get booted from testing (and git should be reverted such 
> that
> it contains only 1.x). Especially while the likes of bowtie & tophat rely upon
> them. (Though for smaller tools, providing patches to get them to build with
> seqan 2.x shouldn't be monumentally difficult and should be qulte
> upstream-able).

ACK for the plan in general.  What about the sequence for realisation.
Should we may be try to reate libseqan1-dev (and droping seqan1-apps)
soon?  When writing it:  Should we may be keep the name seqan for
version 2 and specify the number one only on the old version?

Thanks for your insight.

Kind regards



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