Dear Debian Med team,

here's a quick hello from the Debian Med sprint in Barcelona!
I used the first day of the sprint to migrate the team packaging
repositories from Alioth to Salsa, resulting in almost 1200 new Salsa
repos in the Debian Med group [1]. The Alioth repositories are now
locked, any attempt to push there should be rejected with a notice message.

In general, there was no need to change repository names during the
migration. There were two notable exceptions, related to the fact that
some characters are forbidden in GitLab repository names:

  - ncbi-blast+, whose repository was renamed to ncbi-blastplus [2], and
  - socket++, whose repository was renamed to socketplusplus [3].

This change only affected the repository name, source and binary package
names were left untouched.

I have also filed a merge request [4] to enable redirections from
anonscm HTTPS URLs (such as the ones in our current Vcs-Git tags) to
their counterparts on Salsa.

If there are any additional questions or suggestions, please do not
hesitate to get in touch.

Best regards


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