Hi Tony,

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 10:02:17PM +0100, Tony Travis wrote:
> I need three r-cran packages that are not in the Debian-Med-based Ubuntu
> archive for my PIQUE GWAS pipeline:
> > https://github.com/tony-travis/PIQUE

Thanks for the feature request (BTW, should we try to package
PIQUE itself as well?)
> I would like to request Debian-Med packaging of:
>   r-cran-forecast
>   r-cran-uroot
>   r-cran-fracdiff
> These are not present in the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS repository...

Just to explain what's needed to do:

   $ prepare_missing_cran_package forecast

This creates ready to `git buildpackage` repositories of r-cran-forecast
and r-cran-fracdiff (which is a precondition for r-cran-forecast).

   $ cd ../CRAN_prospective/r-cran-fracdiff

I manually fixed d/copyright of r-cran-fracdiff and did

   $ git buildpackage
   $ inject-into-salsa-git
   $ itp_from_debian_dir "This package is a precondition for r-cran-forecast"

This resulted in ITP bug #925131.  Close bug

   $ dput r-cran-fracdiff_1.4-2-1_amd64.changes

Copy deb from r-cran-fracdiff to my extra pbuilder mirror.

   $ cd ../r-cran-forecast

manually fixed d/copyright and d/control (needs injecting r-cran-fracdiff
into Build-Depends since at the time of packaging creation this dependency
did not existed yet)

   $ git buildpackage
   $ inject-into-salsa-git

Check autopkgtest and learn that r-cran-uroot is needed to pass this test

   $ prepare_missing_cran_package uroot
   $ cd ../r-cran-uroot

manually fixed d/copyright and (extremely unusually in R packages)
needed work around some build issue.  Uroot can work with CUDA but we
can not support this feature in official Debian since this is only in
non-free.  I added README.Debian explaining the fact and if needed how
to deal with it.

   $ git buildpackage
   $ inject-into-salsa-git
   $ itp_from_debian_dir "This package is needed to run the test suite of 

This resulted in ITP bug #925133.  Close bug                                    

   $ dput r-cran-uroot_2.0-9-1_amd64.changes
   $ cd ../r-cran-forecast
   $ itp_from_debian_dir

This resulted in ITP bug #925137 which I just uploaded to new.

You see (with the exception of uroot which is an extremely rare
exception) creating the R packages is extremely easy using the existing
R toolset (in package dh-r - itp_from_debian_dir was used from Git since
the extension to right send a bug report was added after freeze but it
was simple enough anyway).  The time to write all steps down was
basically duplicating the time for the actual work (if uroot would
have been more simple the relation for writing it down would be even
worse),  I took that effort to give some practical example how to
work with the existing tool set.

> I manually downloaded these versions from Michael Rutter's PPA:
> > https://launchpad.net/~marutter/+archive/ubuntu/c2d4u
>   r-cran-forecast_8.4-3cran1ppa0bionic0_amd64.deb
>   r-cran-uroot_2.0-9-3cran1ppa0bionic0_amd64.deb
>   r-cran-fracdiff_1.4-2-3cran2ppa0bionic0_amd64.deb

Thanks for the links.  I admit I ignored these since we need source
packages anyway and getting a policy conform source package of latest
upstream versions including autopkgtests is done obviously faster than
doing research where to find the source package and possibly update the
packaging to latest standards.
> Unfortunately, they are no longer available for 'bionic (18.04 LTS).

The packages are now in new queue and we need to wait until ftpmaster
has processed these.  As you know I'm not informed about how these can
make it to bionic.

Kind regards,



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