On Thu, 2016-05-12 at 11:17 +0100, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:
> On 12/05/16 10:41, lumin wrote:
> > Package: sponsorship-requests
> > [...]
> > Thanks,
> mentors: "Watch file is not present"
> Why?


GNU's savannah service:: gneuralnetwork, the official source
repo doesn't hold a real CVS code repo, but some tarballs,
which is not proper entry to be written in control as svn://xxx

So I removed that file. Well, let me CC the author.

To Jean Michel Sellier: could you please update that repo to
be a real cvs code repo? Then we can track the software update 
with Debian's automatic service, and we can guide users
to a working code repo. Thank you.

> Also, where is the packaging repository hosted? d-science? collab-maint?

Currently hosted on my personal user git repo on anonscm.
Gneural network is currently a small program.

> Since you are also the maintainer of caffe, it would make sense to have
> gneural-network maintained in d-science as part of the family of
> machine learning packages. What do you think?

With the consideration about the future, maintaining it under
the umbrella of debian-science is indeed a good idea. Let me
migrate it to debian-science after Jean Michel Sellier's update.

> Cheers,
> Ghis

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