Le 17/05/2016 11:52, Gianfranco Costamagna a écrit :
> Hi,
>> switch to autoreconf done
> nice!
> little nitpick before answering to the open points:
> * debian/patches/manpage-spelling-errors.patch: New, fix two spelling
> +
> errors.
> there is a new space in changelog
> (pull-debian-source gnustep-make debdiff of the two dsc files, filterdiff the 
> debian changes, you will
> see it)
Fixed, thanks

>> Breaks + Replace done
> Depends: gnustep-common (>= ${source:Version}),
> gnustep-common (<< ${source:Version}.1~),
> gobjc,
> -        autotools-dev,
> ${misc:Depends},
> -        ${gnustep:Depends}
> +        ${perl:Depends}
> +Replaces: gnustep-common (<< 2.6.8-1)
> +Breaks: gnustep-common (<< 2.6.8-1)
> seems fine [1], just two questions: why did you drop gnustep:Depends?
 Let see at dh_gnustep manpage:

    "dh_gnustep is a program based on debhelper that is responsible for
    doing GNUstep-specific modifications, such as moving files in the
    GNUstep hierarchy within the System domain, rooted at
     /usr/lib/GNUstep/System, to Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
    (FHS)-compliant locations."

it is obsoleted by configure option --with-layout=debian
And I have no perl skills to update it.

Let s look again at dh_gnustep manpage:

    "GNUstep dependencies:
    Adds any extra dependencies needed for GNUstep.  Currently, the
    only dependency added is to ensure that the package uses the same
    filesystem layout as the other GNUstep packages installed on the

In reality {gnustep:Depends} just add a dependencies to virtual package
provided by gnustep-common: gnustep-fslayout-fhs
Of course I can add a dependency to gnustep-fslayout-fhs,
but since gnustep-make depends on latest gnustep-common,
it is not needed.

I will update changelog like that:

+ Use --with-layout=debian in configure scripts:
      - remove fhs-system-includedir.patch
      - remove obsolete {gnustep:Depends} var in debian/control
> [1] 
> http://debomatic-amd64.debian.net/distribution#unstable/gnustep-make/2.6.8-1/piuparts

Thanks for the link


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