On 05/22/2016 10:03 AM, Ross Gammon wrote:
> The package is still building here,

OK- Lintian has some complaints:
+++ lintian output +++
P: sayonara source: debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature

As you are "upstream" this could probably be fixed, but can be left for
the sometine in the future.

I: sayonara: hardening-no-pie usr/bin/sayonara
I: sayonara: hardening-no-bindnow usr/bin/sayonara
I: sayonara: hardening-no-bindnow usr/lib/sayonara/libsayonara_somafm.so
I: sayonara: hardening-no-bindnow usr/lib/sayonara/libsayonara_soundcloud.so

Assuming the build system supports it, we should be able to enable these
hardening options. See: https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening

P: sayonara: no-upstream-changelog

You have an upstream changelog in the resources directory. This could be
installed by overriding dh_install_changelogs. You can always do an
internet search, or use https://codesearch.debian.net/ to find examples
of how it is done.

I: sayonara: description-synopsis-might-not-be-phrased-properly

Hopefully my suggestions in the last email make this go away.

W: sayonara: command-in-menu-file-and-desktop-file sayonara


E: sayonara: postinst-does-not-call-updatemenus usr/share/menu/sayonara

This MUST be fixed before upload, as I think is will cause an automatic
rejection of the package? See:
Probably fixing the previous warning will make this go away.

 and I would like to install it and
> have a little play. Assuming nothing goes wrong with that, with the
> above changes I think it is ready to ask a sponsor to take a look at it.

This test will have to wait now as I must be somewhere else for a few hours.



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