* Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org>, 2016-06-02, 17:07:
"License: GPL-2+ with librtas exception"

maybe something like
License: GPL-2+-with-librtas-exception

"FOO with BAR exception" is a valid licence syntax in DEP-5.
If it is not appropriate to use it in this case, then you should explain why, because it's not obvious.

the difference is just removing the spaces, IIRC lintian was triggering issues on dep-5 format when spaces were used.

Spaces are not allowed in license names. But here the license name is just “GPL-2+”.

Let me quote the relevant part of the spec:
“An exception or clarification to a license is signalled in plain text, by appending ‘with <keywords> exception’ to the short name.”

Jakub Wilk

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