Hi, all

About 2 month ago,  I wrote a small patch for mentors.debian.net (debexpo)

Here is the actual pull request for it.

This PR is written to solve some glitches about RFS template.
I'm happy if this PR is merged because it is useful for user of mentors.d.n

Screenshot shows what I really want to improve it:

Here is the detail about above PR. It improves the following situation.


* Do not just copy&paste RFS template and send it because there are still 2
spaces left.
  (We need to recall that this is command mail!)
* There are many "fill in ...", for example, upstream author, license, url,
package name,
recent changelog and so on.

* Just click mailto: link for it
* Filled in more entry by fetching information from debian/control or
  debian/changelog and so on.

@paulproteus who is a one of developer of debexpo - said that he would
review it,
 but I guess that he is very busy and can't afford to review it.

It requires python-debian 0.1.23 or later. wheezy provides python-debian
0.1.21, so
It seems that package upgrade is needed on mentors.d.n.
(jessie provides python-debian 0.1.27)

Kentaro Hayashi <ken...@gmail.com>

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