On 07/27/2016 03:28 AM, Sean Whitton wrote:
> I can't sponsor the package, but I hope that the following review is
> useful to you.
Thanks for your very in-depth review, it is very helpful!

> 1. You should install the examples to /usr/share/doc/yabar/examples, not
> /usr/share/yabar/examples.  You can use dh_installexamples to do this.

> 2. Since you are packaging based on git tags not github tarballs (I'm
> looking at force-create in your gbp.conf), you might have the watch file
> look for git tags rather than tarballs.  Uscan watch file format version
> 4 can do this.  Not a big deal -- just a suggestion.
I'll have a look at it (and it surely sounds nice), but uscan documentation is 

> 3. You should remove the export-dir from gbp.conf: this will override
> settings in personal ~/.gbp.conf, arbitrarily selecting a different
> build area on other developer's machines!

> 4. Are you sure about Section: misc?  How about x11?
You're right, x11 fits better.

> 5. You have a lot of libs listed as dependencies.  These should be
> included in ${shlibs:Depends}.  Is dh_shlibdeps not generating the
> correct list?
It is generating the correct list :) Fixed.

> 6. You have a build-dependency on git-core, presumably because of the
> call to git-describe(1) in upstream's Makefile.  However, you also set
> the VERSION environment variable in debian/rules -- though I think your
> VERSION in d/rules includes the Debian revision, which might not be what
> you want.  Remember that your source package needs to be buildable
> outside of a git repository.  You should add some comments to the rules
> file explaining why you are setting VERSION and please explain in reply
> to this e-mail why you need the git-core build-dep :)
git-core is now longer required, I just forgot to remove it after switching to 
dpkg-parsechangelog. Thanks for the hint.
Also, a comment in debian/rules is definitely required :-)

> 7. Could you explain the Suggests: fonts-font-awesome?
While yabar does not require font-awesome in any way, both example 
configurations show the usage of font-awesome.
Also, most have people I have seen use yabar with font-awesome.
Therefore I think the package fonts-font-awesome is an addition which people 
should at least consider.

> 8. You could add some paragraph breaks to the extended description.

> 9. "plain c" in the description should be "plain C"

> 10. Why priority 'extra' not 'optional'?  Do you expect a file conflict?
I did initially put it into 'optional', but was unsure about the following 
sentence in Debian's Policy, Section 2.5 [0]
> This is all the software that you might reasonably want to install if you 
> didn't know what it was and don't have specialized requirements"
Not sure if yabar is a software "you might reasonably want to install if you 
didn't know what it was".
On the other hand it also states:
> This is a much larger system and includes the X Window System, a full TeX 
> distribution, and many applications.
Not quite sure on this one.

> 11. Why the tight dpkg-dev dependency?
Not required :-)

> 12. As I said before, please merge your debian/changelog entries to a
> single 0.4.0-1 entry, with only the "Initial release (Closes: #xxxxxx)"
> line.
Will do.

> 13. Why a 'low' upload urgency?  Counterintuitively, this means that you
> think the package is more likely than usual to be buggy and so it should
> take longer to migrate to testing; it doesn't actually mean "less
> important".  Unless you think the upload is buggy, you should use
> priority=medium.
Thanks for the explanation. Unfortunately, neither Section 4.4 [1] nor 5.6.17 
[2] explain when which urgency should be used (so I just used the lowest one).
Is there documentation for this elsewhere?
> 14. I see you are ignoring .o files in debian/source/options.  Since
> your clean target deletes .o files, why do you need this?  If you don't
> need it, it would be less confusing if you just deleted it.  Is it
> because upstream hasn't merged your fixed clean target patch yet?  I
> think it would be more readable to the debian/clean file instead of
> debian/source/options.
No longer needed.
> 15. Any reason you haven't forwarded d/patches/fix-typos,
> d/patches/makefile-ldflags, and d/patches/makefile-version?
I didn't want to overwhelm Upstream with a dozen patches :O
He just merged my two other PRs, so I will forward these patches now :-)
> 16. Are you sure you need all the lines in your rules file?  I think
> that with debhelper compat level 9, it is enough to export
> DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS and the rest will happen automatically.  Not
> sure, though.
I simply followed the Debian Wiki (and also manually exported LDFLAGS because 
Upstreams name is LDLIBS) [3]

> 17. You could probably add --parallel to the dh invocation.
Although I couldn't spot any consistent differences on my machine (~10s for 
complete build), I'll add it anyway :-)

> 18. You should install the README (patched to remove the installation
> instructions) and the screenshots to /usr/share/doc/yabar.  It looks
> like useful documentation that a Debian user probably wants.
If you compare the README and the shipped man page you'll notice that the man 
page *is* the README stripped off the sections 'Screenshots' and 'Installation' 

Yet again, huge thanks for your suggestions, tips and hints!

[0] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-priorities
[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-dpkgchangelog
[2] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Urgency
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening#dpkg-buildflags

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