
On 28/08/2016 15:43, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Julien Puydt (2016-08-28 14:35:32)
On 28/08/2016 10:00, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
  I am looking for a sponsor for the package "backbone"

Do you intend to help maintain the package collaboratively, or take over


If the former, then you should coordinate your work with current
maintainers (fine that you seek help and guidance from others too, but
don't go ahead with only input from external parties).


If the latter, then be cautious that you either have consent from
current maintainers to do so, or ensure that you are following the
procedures in Debian for takeover (search list archives for "hijacking"
for more info).

See above : team maintenance.

3) Did you get in touch with the maintainer for this upload?

Contrary to what I usually do, no : I saw two "please package new
upstream" bugs, both old (may 2014 and september 2015), none closed as
a duplicate of the other -- so I considered the "getting in touch"
step was done and pushed forward with the "team maintenance" step.

Bugs requesting new upstream releases are wishlist bugs, and they are
targeted the maintainer of the package.
Wishlist bugs being old is not a good reason to bypass the maintainer.

Each team collaborate differntly - don't assume it is ok to change a
package without coordinating with current maintainers (i.e. those listed
as "Uploaders" for team-maintained packages).


5) I'm not sure Jonas will like to move away from cdbs...

That was the first time I met a cdbs package... isn't it deprecated?

No.  Never was.

Some people disliking CDBS wants everyone to believe that's the case.

I didn't dislike it since I thought it was deprecated. But I have to admit seeing what d/rules looked like for that simple a package doesn't make me want to learn more about it.


"This source package uses CDBS"
I would change that :)

git rm README.source... but I seem to have forgotten a git commit -m
somewhere so it doesn't appear in history... drat.

Please consult current maintainers of a package before making large
changes, like restructuring to a different core packaging helper tool.


we should be mostly complete as a preliminary review. I have to
admit, the cdbs rules file was a little bit complicate for a 3
installed js files library :)

I admit I didn't even try to understand what it did : just saw how big
it was, removed the file and started from scratch.

Please consult current maintainers of a package before making large
changes, like "starting from scratch".


Jonas, do you want me to revert all my changes on backbone? Do you intend to do something about backbone? I notice that you're also (co-)maintainer for underscore, which is also on my way to jupyter in Debian. For that one there is an important bug which looks pretty trivial and a wishlist bug which is a one-liner to d/control [and it lacks a wishlist for a newer version]. What are your plans for underscore too?

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Snark on #debian-js

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