Dear David,

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:37:58AM +0000, David Hart wrote:
> >- Various stanzas do not include the copyright years, yet these are
> >  available in the files.  The Copyright: field is meant to contain the
> >  copyright claim as it was stated by the upstream author..
> May I ask which tool you used for that? I've found debmake -kk the best I've
> tried, but it doesn't check for dates.
> I've gone through by hand and added all that I found.

Of course: licensecheck --copyright -r .

> >- Files in .build/ remain, and are not given in d/copyright.
> The remaining ones are my own files. Won't they be covered by '*'?

Oh, sorry, I assumed you hadn't written 4pane.m4.  Not so many people
know m4, as I understand it :)

> >- Files: bitmaps/iceweasel.png
> >  Copyright: Uncertain
> >
> >Files: bitmaps/kedit.xpm
> >Copyright: Unknown
> >
> >Files: bitmaps/kwrite.xpm
> >Copyright: Various
> >
> >The ftp-masters would be very likely to reject these.  Since you found
> >the source repos, surely you can find a name for the copyright fields?
> I tried hard, but failed to find definite copyright authors for these and
> other bitmaps; I therefore added 'Comment:' fields. In detail:

I understand, and appreciate that this is quite a frustrating time sink.

> [...]
> With the possible exception of kedit, all of these icons are or were included 
> in
> other debian packages, so it would be surprising if there is no solution short
> of removal. In general, what currently acceptable ways are there to fill the
> Copyright field when an author isn't specified for a particular element of a
> package?

What we are hitting up against here is a limitation of the DEP-5
copyright format, which can make it seem like listing all authors is
more important than establishing that the work is under a free license.

Having read the results of your research, I suggest the following

- insert all the authorship info you've managed to find thus far -- no
  reason to throw away that effort -- in the Copyright: field, not

  In the situation where you have a list of project authors but it is
  unlikely that they all worked on the icon file, just list them all,
  and put "Comment: These are the authors for the upstream project from
  which this file was obtained."

- for the files where it is not clear, write a copyright string based on
  the project name.  E.g. for kedit.xpm, "(C) 1999 kde-artist team"

If this doesn't sound sane, it might be best to ask debian-legal.  But I
think we could go ahead and upload and see what the ftp-masters think of
my proposed solution.

> Finally, my ITP has timed-out and the package removed from
> mentors. Does this now matter?

We don't need mentors since I am working out of your git repo.  Your ITP
does not appear to have timed out.  If the RFS gets closed, you can just
re-open it.

Sean Whitton

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