Thank you for your work to adopt this package.

I'd like to review and hopefully sponsor this upload.  I do require
that we work out of git, instead of exchanging source packages via  I recommend the git workflow described in
dgit-maint-merge(7), but any dgit-compatible workflow is fine -- see
the other dgit-maint-*(7) manpages, and dgit-sponsorship(7).

When you publish a packaging branch for me to review, it should be
fast-forwarding, i.e., you should not rewrite history during the
review process (or indeed, after).

If this is acceptable to you, please set me as the owner of this RFS
bug, and let me know where I can find your git branch.  Otherwise, you
are quite free to wait for a different potential sponsor.

One point I noticed from your changelog: when you bump the std-ver, it
is conventional to note "no changes required" if you bumped it without
changing anything to be compliant with the new version.

Sean Whitton

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