Hello Nicholas,

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 09:39:43PM -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Phase four: Do you think that it would be useful to have
> d/package.convert-to-info, d/package.convert-to-text, etc?  This would
> allow a plain d/rules.

This probably wouldn't work because each conversion will probably need
particular options and fixups.  I also doubt the debhelper maintainers
would want to add those files.

> Alternatively, it might be a better use of time to just write a
> Makefile to generate the docs for each package, and then submit those
> to upstreams.  What do you think?
> [...]
> What do you think?  Does this sound like a good proposal?  When should
> I email pkg-emacsen?  After Stretch is released?

As a rule of thumb it's better to have things merged upstream.

I don't think we need any kind of team policy on this.  It's not an
Emacs-specific issue.  Packagers can handle the documentation as they
would for any other package.  And for elpa-* packages, it's almost
always just a README, which can remain in Org/Markdown/plain text.

> Hmm, so the question comes down to how committed and able I am to get
> rich-minority (and smart-mode-line for that matter) to work with a
> potential default of emacs26 for Buster?

Chances are it will Just Work.  New releases of Emacs do not break very
many things.  So I would upload it to unstable once you've run it
locally for a week or so.

> Most packages have a fairly short "long description" so I've been
> operating under the assumption that it is supposed to be less than 25
> lines long, with 24 lines preferred.

You wouldn't want it to be pages and pages.  But feel free to go over 25

> > diminish.el works like this:
> > 
> >     (diminish 'auto-fill-function)
> > 
> > That's it.  Clearly simpler.
> Does this hide "Fill" from the modeline?  Does a subsequent
>     (diminish 'flyspell-mode)
> concatenate Fly|Flyspell to the list of minor modes that will be
> hidden?


> For now, do you think I should create a README.Debian with these
> examples or wait for upstream to merge them?

I don't think you need to do either.  Just mention that it's meant to be
a more flexible/improved version of diminish.el.

Sean Whitton

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