Control: tags -1 moreinfo

This have been discussed on IRC, so I tag this moreinfo until you find
time to update.

22:45 < coldtobi> zapashcanon: currently I'm short on time, but I can
reserve some time in the next few days. I guess mapreri gave you enough
pointers to fix up the package a bit... Also please consilitate
d/copyright a bit. You should at least join sections with same
22:45 < coldtobi> reply to the RFS bug when ready.  
22:46 < coldtobi> (consolidate same authors and same license of
22:47 < coldtobi> note that you can also consilidate the sections even
if the set of the authors are not the same.  
23:17 < zapashcanon> I'll fix a few things upstream, ask for a new
release (as there's some other new feature it'll be OK) and update the
23:17 < zapashcanon> thanks 

One important point is that the d/copyright file's content needs to
be backed up by the file content. If reality is different, patch
the file to match it first and not only d/copyright:

(refering to)
22:03 < mapreri> mattia@warren /tmp/gnome-shell-extension-radio-8 %
grep -A3 README debian/copyright
22:03 < mapreri> Files:
22:03 < mapreri> Copyright: 2014-2017 hslbck <>
22:03 < mapreri>            2016-2017 Léo Andrès <>
22:03 < mapreri> License: GPL-3+
22:03 < mapreri> mattia@warren /tmp/gnome-shell-extension-radio-8 %
grep Andr
22:03 < mapreri> 1 mattia@warren /tmp/gnome-shell-extension-radio-8
22:03 < mapreri> zapashcanon: on which basis do you say that Leo Andres
has a copyright over the readme
22:03 < zapashcanon> it's me 
22:03 < zapashcanon> I wrote almost all of it
22:03 < zapashcanon> see the github history
22:04 < mapreri> Well, "github history" is not a thing we see, what I
see is the content of the tarball


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