> 1. What's the best practice for fonts that occupies PUA plane?
> ...
>    My personall opinion is to do nothing more than adding a notice to
>    package description, saying that "this package ships a font that
>    occupies the whole Unicode PUA plane 16".

My opinion is go ahead and create a font that uses all of Plane 16.

I am not a Debian Developer, but I am the Debian Maintainer of the GNU
unifont package, which has a variant that uses the PUA in Plane 0 and
Plane 15.

The unifont package includes one variant that contains glyphs from the
ConScript Unicode Registry (CSUR)[1] and the Under-CSUR[2].  The CSUR
is a popular PUA assignment because it contains scripts such as
Tengwar and Klingon.  Almost all of its scripts are in Plane 0.  A
couple of very large scripts are in Plane 15.

Another important set of PUA 0 assignments is that of the Medieval
Unicode Font Initiative (MUFI)[3].

I do not know if any other font in Debian uses Plane 16, but I think
it would be rare if one exists and likely for a very different purpose
than what you intend.

Good luck!

Paul Hardy

[1] https://www.evertype.com/standards/csur/
[2] https://www.kreativekorp.com/ucsur/
[3] https://folk.uib.no/hnooh/mufi/

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