
I was reviewing the package that you upload to mentors.d.n

IMO you have several problem that you need fix:

  * The last version is on UNRELEASED. The package must be on
  * You should write a better debian/changelog. "Initial release
    using Python 3" does not give me several information about
    the change that you made.
  * You should request access to DPTM (because this is a python
    package) and salsa user, this way you can create the repo for
    pyflitk and add Vcs-* field on d/control.
  * IMO would be great if you can put the range of year of copyright
    on d/copyright. For example, for Charlie S. I will write:
    2011-2019, and for you just it is.
  * You don't have the standard version field on d/control.
  * I think that you forgot write the d/rules header
    #!/usr/bin/make -f

Please, do not be discouraged. I am just a Debian contributor,
not a mentor or a DD, so I know that the first times could be
I little complicate, but keep going :-)


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