On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 12:49:35 +1100,
Ben Finney<bign...@debian.org> wrote:

>Andreas Ronnquist <mailingli...@gusnan.se> writes:
>> debian/master is where your packaging work happens in the debian
>> folder, and also where the building of the package happens. (Here you
>> also should have the upstream source merged, to be able to build the
>> package with the standard debuild or dpkg-buildpackage).  
>So which branch contains *only* the Debian packaging files; that is,
>the files that go into the “Debian package diff” (Debian Policy §3.3)?
>Or does DEP-14 mandate mixing the Debian packaging with the upstream

Nah, it doesn't mandate it, but it does recommend it - see "What to
store in the packaging branches" a bit down the DEP-14 page,

>That would make DEP-14 incompatible with the “overlay” workflow, where
>the Debian packaging is tracked in a separate VCS.

Sorry, I have only used gbp with the mixed branch workflow - does
anyone else have any hints for gbp with the overlay workflow?

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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