Hi, Miroslav

I have tried to make the changes you suggested and and tried to move
things around a little,  still needs things done, however everything is
now at


As with my other presentation which Francisco helped me with, I am happy
for you to fork this, make changes then issue a merge request (or anyone
who wants to collaborate),  that way we all have updated resources.

You are right about audience, but we also need to keep things short.  I
am not covering that much beyond getting started, once you are connected
you can ask for help,  if you need help before that, perhaps you are
probably subscribed here anyway (should we encourage that).

Thanks again and feel free to modify further to make it more suitable /
useful I want these to be community resources, and you are the people
giving the talks etc.


On 09/05/2019 17:36, Miroslav Kravec wrote:
> Hi,
> I took a quick look at the presentation. Looks to have nice potential
> in it. Few points below:
>> Debian GNU/Linux is a free (as in freedom) operating system (OS) for your 
>> computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities 
>> that make your computer run. [1]
> Less (text) is more (focused presentation). I would remove part
> describing what OS is, and based on audience, would explain the term
> only orally (plus hyperlink in PDF).
> I would also try to restructure "A brief definition" to get rid of
> repetition of "Debian" on each bullet point.
>> Internet Relay Chat
> In 2019 the most of the people know, what chat is (or quickly
> explained it orally). I would merge these three points to one "A real
> time Text based Communication system", and focus on IRC pros and
> differences.
>> :-
> For me, this looks a bit ugly.
>> On a basic level it is:-
> I would remove this sentence at all, and reword titles:
> * What is Internet Relay Chat,
> * What is ID with nickserv,
> Also, I would move registration after definition, and renamed title to:
> * Registration of ID with nickserv
> Generally, I would first focus on the message to be told, and to whom.
> Presentations are highly specific. And, people tend to get easily
> bored, when there's too much details they already know, or are not
> relevant to message. Also, people get bored, if they lose track on
> some point, because of missing information. In either case, they'll
> disconnect themselves, and will start day dreaming, or anti-social
> ones will start disturbing others/speaker.
> Kind regards,
> Miroslav Kravec
> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 5:24 PM Paul Sutton <zl...@disroot.org> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Having worked on a presentation to promote Debian generally, I decided
>> to work on one that could focus on IRC and how to get started.
>> https://salsa.debian.org/zleap-guest/oftc-presentation
>> I am not sure if this is useful, but I would anticipate this can form
>> part of a series on getting started with Debian contributing.  It is
>> early days on this at the moment but I am getting there slowly.
>> I am not going to touch on IRC clients other than the web interface,
>> once people are connected to IRC they are able to ask for further help
>> and information on clients.
>> Hope this helps
>> Paul Sutton
>> --
>> Paul Sutton
>> http://www.zleap.net
>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/zleap/
>> gnupg : 7D6D B682 F351 8D08 1893  1E16 F086 5537 D066 302D
Paul Sutton
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