On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 02:41:18PM +0100, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> (b) How do I deal with branch/tag name conflicts between upstream and
> packaging?
They shouldn't happen.

> There are at least two ways conflicts can happen by accident:
>  (i) gbp defaults to naming the packaging branch 'master', which is also
> plain git's default name for the first branch of a new repository.
If a remote has a branch this doesn't mean your repo has the same branch.

>  (ii) gbp's upstream-branch/-tag settings are used both for reading (build)
> and writing (import-orig).  Hence, if a contributor using upstream-as-git
> commits a debian/gbp.conf with these set to the upstream branch name and tag
> format, then another contributor imports an upstream tarball with gbp
> import-orig, the tarball-import commit ends up on what was the
> upstream-as-git branch with an upstream-format tag name [3]. 
Then don't do that. A repo either uses upstream tags directly or uses
upstream/* tags that cannot clash with the upstream ones.

> Is there a standard way to tell gbp "this is an upstream-as-git-only
> repository, don't import tarballs" to prevent (ii) in future? 


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