Currently python-cobra FTBFS reported here [1].

>From the logs, in the last message[2] it looks like an import-error for
'_libsbml' file which corresponds to libsbml (with python3-sbml5 as a
provide) package. When I dug into looking at libsbml, I noticed that the
relevant file (libsbml.py) which throws error
is generated with swig-3.0 by the upstream [3]

While the same file in the apt archive (observed after $apt source
python3-sbml5) seems to be generated with swig-4.0, and that's the current
swig version in Debian now.

When I compared, the one generated with swig 4.0 looks pretty different
from the one generated by swig 3.0.
I "suspect" that the error is due to the swig version change to 4.0, and
corresponding API changes.

I would really appreciate if I could have more folks "confirm" that this is
the case, and I'm not missing out on anything else.
I'll then file a report upstream then, asking for corresponding code
changes needed for swig 4.0.

[1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=955656

[2]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=955656#10


Thanks and regards

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