> On Apr 25, 2020, at 00:10, Rebecca N. Palmer <rebecca_pal...@zoho.com> wrote:
> Matthew Fernandez wrote (ordering changed):
>> I don’t get the same warning for mipsel and armel because the binary built 
>> fine there. It’s just that the test suite didn’t complete.
> No: by default, failed build-time tests fail the build (to make sure they get 
> noticed).
> The "missing build on $arch" warning only appears if the package is currently 
> in testing on $arch.  (Like most bugs, build failures only block testing 
> migration if they are *regressions*.)  Hence, in this case it appears for 
> arm64 and mipsel but not armel.

Ah, so this is related to whether the package is in testing. Thanks, Rebecca. I 
think you mean that it appears for only arm64. It doesn’t appear for mipsel, 
and this seems consistent with the package not being in testing on mipsel.

> The "arch:$arch not built yet, autopkgtest delayed there" warning only 
> appears if $arch runs autopkgtests: currently this means amd64, arm64 and 
> possibly (seems to be well behind) ppc64el.
>> Yes, ctest swallows the normal stdout of the test script. For local dev and 
>> in CI I typically avoid this by running the test script directly, but I 
>> wanted as little magic in my debian/rules as possible so I let it do 
>> whatever its CMake defaults were.
> This should probably be changed (use override_dh_auto_test): Debian Policy 
> requires builds to be as verbose as is reasonable [0], for the debugging 
> reason you already noted.
>> What is the general approach for long running test suites? Is there a way to 
>> extend the timeout? Or is it a hardline that test suites have to complete 
>> within the allotted time?
> The timeout is 300 minutes of *inactivity* (no output) [1]: a build(-time 
> test) can take longer than this if it keeps producing output.  Hence, 
> displaying the test's output might also fix this.

So the timeout is related to no output, not total runtime. Got it. I’ll tweak 
the test suite to always produce verbose output, which hopefully should address 
this. Thanks again.

> (Autopkgtests probably shouldn't be this long, but you're already using 
> something shorter there.)
>> the version that is in testing for other platforms (2020.02.17-1) is listed 
>> as “Installed” for armel on the [buildd] QA page
> This might be a bug in that page - consider reporting it (against 
> "buildd.debian.org"?).  The "Logs" page [2] might be a better place to check 
> the build status of old versions.
> [0] 
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#main-building-script-debian-rules
> [1] 
> https://sources.debian.org/src/sbuild/0.79.1-1/lib/Sbuild/Build.pm/?hl=2538#L2471
> [2] https://buildd.debian.org/status/logs.php?pkg=rumur

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