
the installation/compilation instructions for some proftp modules [1] say:

"To install mod_proxy, go to the third-party module area in the proftpd
source code and unpack the mod_proxy source tarball:

  $ cd proftpd-dir/contrib/
  $ tar zxvf /path/to/mod_proxy-version.tar.gz

after unpacking the latest proftpd-1.3.x source code. For including
mod_proxy as a statically linked module:

  $ ./configure --with-modules=mod_proxy:...

To build mod_proxy as a DSO module:

  $ ./configure --enable-dso --with-shared=mod_proxy:...

Then follow the usual steps:

  $ make
  $ make install

This works fine. How do I do that for a Debian package?

I've seen [2], but this is not my use case: I want the proftp module in
an own Debian package. Of course one could find out, which part of the
proftp source tree is needed to build the module and put this into
debian.tar.xz, but this gives a rather big source package and I'm not
sure how fragile this will be.

Any hints?


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