Am 11.09.2020 um 03:18 teilte Nick Strauss mit:

Hi Nick,

>> Don't install a program into /usr/local. The package won't be accepted.
> My makefile has prefix defined for vguitar exe destination.
> ./Makefile:prefix = /usr/local
> ./Makefile:        $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/vguitar
> What should this be? 
The tar ball I provided contains a patch, which changes this to "/usr".
No need to change the upstream code. If you unpack the source package
using "dpkg-source -x ..*dsc" the patch should be applied.

As I provided only the debian.tar.xz file, you need to:

hille@sid:~ $ tar xf vguitar_2.6.orig.tar.gz
hille@sid:~ $ cd vguitar_2.6.orig/
hille@sid:~/vguitar_2.6.orig $ tar xf ../vguitar_2.6-1.debian.tar.xz
hille@sid:~/vguitar_2.6.orig $ cd -
hille@sid:~ $ dpkg-source -b vguitar_2.6.orig
dpkg-source: info: using source format '3.0 (quilt)'
dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
dpkg-source: info: applying user_local
dpkg-source: info: building vguitar using existing ./vguitar_2.6.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
dpkg-source: info: building vguitar in vguitar_2.6-1.debian.tar.xz
dpkg-source: info: building vguitar in vguitar_2.6-1.dsc


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