Le 30/11/2020 à 05:17, Paul Wise a écrit :
On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 3:21 AM Benoît Rouits wrote:

Thank you for the note. Lilypond is a command-line sheet music engraver
similar (but different) to  MusiXTeX. QAbc is a desktop user interface
with an editor view and an SVG preview. The approaches are very
different, IMHO. QAbc allow to quickly notate tunes, listen to it and
print it but is not appropriate for professional engraving.

There are GUI frontends to lilypond though, for example denemo. It
sounds like they have different purposes/audiences though.

I understand. The original patch to abcm2ps have been refused upstream
for some reasons I understand completely. I started to modify more
heavily the code of abcm2ps in order to use it as a library. That
modified abcm2ps code is useless alone, it's a part of QAbc. Thank you
for the link you gave me. I'll contact the debian-security-tracker
mailing list to add the qabc package as having, for now, a forked
embedded copy of abcm2ps.

It seems like separating abcm2ps into a library and command-line tools
would be a valuable thing to have upstreamed, so that other programs
can use the functionality too.

Yes indeed. But the original maintainer of abcm2ps told me abcm2ps is at its end of life. Anyway, if I succeed to make good library code from abcm2ps (many tried, many failed told me the maintainer), I'll then release it as a separate package.

PS: I forgot to mention in my initial mail that you might like to join
the Debian multimedia team and help maintain other music related
packages. The team might also be likely to sponsor Qabc.


Thank you, I subscribed and will introduce myself.
Many thanks for your interest an indications, Paul,

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