On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 02:22:25PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> Hi,
> my package gensio, which generates a library package, has recently
> thrown a few lintian warnings regarding missing symbols files. I read
> the wiki page and the manual page of dpkg-gensymbols and had
> dpkg-gensymbols generate a debian/libgensio0.symbols file, added the
> Build-Depends-Package line and did the mentioned conversions regarding
> C++ libraries.
> Still, the build on i386 fails since the symbols file looks different on
> i386 than it does on amd64. See
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/gensio/-/jobs/3093727
> The repository can be inspected at
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/gensio/-/tree/master
> I guess this behavior is expected since you can have symbols file per
> arch as debian/libgensio0.symbols.$ARCH. But how do I generate those?
> Do I really need to build on all arches and/or guess what's needed in
> the arch-dependent symbol file from the logs of failed buildd runs? This
> looks like an awful lot of work that has to be repeated for every
> upstream update?
> Or am I missing something here?

My experience with symbol files and C++ is: It's a nightmare.

I tried them on a few occasions only to drop them a few uploads later, as
they add a lot of maintainance burden. They will frequently break, as some
other package or toolchain might have influences, are
architecture dependent and once you think you've got it you'll get the
next breakage… I'd just override the warning and be done.


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