On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 08:30:26PM +0100, Lorenzo wrote:
> > But overall you need to make sure the SVN repo contains the
> > same files as the published tarball, otherwise the compression
> > difference is not the largest problem you could have.
> right, I should have excluded the .svn directory from the source..
> apart from that I don't think there are other relevant difference.
> Is there a document that describes the right steps to follow when
> importing a git or svn snapshot in Debian? I couldn't find one.
You normally don't need to do anything special when doing that as opposed
to when importing tarballs, though you may need to run some additional
commands (e.g. autoreconf) that are normally done when the source tarball
is created in the software release process (this obviously depends on the
project specifics and may not be needed at all). This is assuming the repo
contains everything needed and the source tarball isn't e.g. created from
the repo and some external files.
And the need to run these additional commands is exactly because the
contents of a repo and a tarball are different, in which case interleaved
imports of both of them will have weird effects on the file history and
may also require changing d/rules back and forth.

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