On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 02:42:28PM +0100, Robin Alexander wrote:
> Hi Mechtilde and Andrey,
> Got it for the official debian repository. In a nutshell:
>  - Push to mentors once the freeze is released (ie, after bookworm is
> released)
>  - Once package in unstable/testing, push a backport to stable and oldstable
Yes, though I'm not sure if a package not in stable can go to
oldstable-backports or only to oldstable-backports-sloppy.
Please also note "Please only upload package with a notable userbase.
Backports is not a maintainer's PPA" from

>    * debian/bullseye: debian official repository and bullseye
Not sure what is this? Do you mean bullseye-backports?

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